Sunday, January 12, 2014

My View: Neighbors working together for a wind ordinance solution - Opinion - Rockford Register Star - Rockford, IL

Brian Van Laar

After hours of discussion, a recommendation was voted on and passed by a unanimous vote (5-0). The recommendation that came out of this meeting and was supported by the LeRoy Township Board was very similar to the text amendment originally sent from the county, differing on a few minor points that favor the participants and the wind developer.
Simply stated - this was neighbor working with neighbor finding a resolution to a difficult issue.
Manchester Township also adopted something very similar and updated its Comprehensive Land Use Plan to reflect their desire to the county. Township officials, from townships within the proposed project area, who are on both sides of the issue, have agreed on setbacks from property lines that are similar to the county's text amendment.
The new setbacks, if adopted, will be in the form of a multiplier of the turbine height. This allows the WECS ordinance to easily adapt to growing turbine heights or shorter turbine heights if a developer so chooses. The new setbacks will be measured from property lines rather than foundations of homes. This will bring the WECS ordinance in line with county and state zoning codes that measure setbacks from the neighbor's property line for the protection of the neighbor

Read the entire article by clicking on the following:  My View: Neighbors working together for a wind ordinance solution - Opinion - Rockford Register Star - Rockford, IL

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The most important paragraph was omited. The paragraph that explains how neighbors are working together. How can a bias county board member be allowed to vote?