Friday, March 22, 2013

Completing Irene Road, I-90 interchange would cost $10 million | Belvidere Daily Republican

Written by Bob Balgemann

It (TOLLWAY) gave the county and city a special deal on the southeastern ramp at Irene Road. All they had to provide was engineering, which is costing a total of $230,000, and the needed property, which is costing a total of $247,000. The authority is taking care of all construction, including the bridge over the tollway.

The total project cost would be $9.9 million, based on 2013 dollars, or $4.95 million each for the county and city of Belvidere

Click on the following to read the entire story:  Completing Irene Road, I-90 interchange would cost $10 million | Belvidere Daily Republican

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