Friday, July 31, 2009

Another disclaimer: The following is NOT from this Boone County Watchdog

The following comment was taken from the Rockford Register Star article:



15 minutes ago

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Well! Here we go again! I think emmazamom needs to get THINK FIRST, then WRITE! First, The Chairman of County Board IS the leader and was voted in by a majority of County Board. Second, this seat we are talking about needs to be filled by a Republican and how can we be sure if Kathy Wards boy, Dana Lapier is even a Republican, since he tells people to support Democrats - he cant be trusted to vote on Republican values. The most important question I have to ask you, is WHY WOULD ANYONE choose to support Mr. Lapier, who when he had his opportunity to serve on the County Board, chose to MISS half of the meetings leaving the people with NO REPRESENTATION!!!!! Oh and last but not least, Teri Glass who cant even remember which side of bed she got up on said after the last vote that this is a Republican problem and she was going to stay out of it, is now right in the heart of things again. But I guess she cant make up her mind whether she is in or out I really find it hard to see how she can even vote on any issue when she cant make up her mind which is right.

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