Friday, February 5, 2021

GOP obituary

Letter: A GOP obituary

Rockford Register Star

After multiple incurable illnesses the Republican Party has died.

It died from birtherism. It died from racism, selfishness, misogyny and denial. It died from ludicrous conspiracy theories. It died from opportunism and ignorance and fearmongering. It died from COVID-19 and children in cages. It died from grievances and craziness and radicalization and rationalization. It died from anger, bitterness, tyranny and greed. It died from feigned faith and too many crossed lines. It died from fraudulent justifications and bloated egos. It died from insurrection and dysfunction. It died from tribalism, nationalism and violent extremism. It died from laziness and hubris and disastrous results. It died from blatant cronyism and moral turpitude. It died from betrayal and lack of empathy. It died from unbridled power-grabbing. It died from bizarre mindsets and raging corruption. It died from unfounded assertions. It died from dreams deferred and aid declined. It died from incompetent leadership. It died from nepotism and foolhardiness. It died from a dearth of scientific expertise. It died from yes-men and yes-women. It died from bleach injections. It died from an emperor with no clothes.

The party of Lincoln bowed low, and, having a warped backbone, it was constitutionally incapable of rising again.

— Donda Toti, Rockford

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