Monday, June 4, 2018

Letter of Editor regarding Rep Kinzinger


LETTER: Kinzinger most concerned with self-promotion

June 3, 2018

To The Editor:

You have published a number of letters extolling the virtues of Adam Kinzinger and how he should be reelected. Those letters talk about his stance on opioid addiction and human trafficking. These are not controversial issues; they are both bad. It is therefore easy to take a position against them. Big deal. What about our local issues: the other things that really affect his broader constituency like health care, taxation or global warming?

I wonder if we are suffering from myopia or short-term memory loss. When Mr. Kinzinger was first elected, he defeated the incumbent in part by attacking her for not holding town hall meetings. After election, he didn't hold them either until he finally yielded to editorial pressure from "The Times," among others. Attempting to excuse this hypocrisy, he said that he was concerned about disruption from the "radical left." I think that's a lame excuse for not listening to his constituents.

Being a U.S. Congressman is a demanding job, so I understand that time spent in his district is limited. Yet, he always seems to have time to make the rounds on the Sunday talk shows while largely neglecting the people he is supposed to represent. It is apparent, to me at least, that Mr. Kinzinger is more concerned with self-promotion and reelection than actually representing us.

Rob Newton,


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