Monday, February 2, 2015

Boone County is ready - Illinois Chapter Sierra Club


Boone County is ready


Boone County is ready for wind

Boone County is ready for a clean energy economy. The proposed Boone County Wind Farm would bring the county up to $1.3 million in annual property tax revenue by 2015, and make Boone County a leader in Illinois' transition to a clean energy economy.

Unfortunately, the Boone County Board is currently reviewing zoning ordinances that would effectively block the construction of this wind farm, and close off the county as a whole to any future wind farm development. Tell the Boone County Board that you’re ready for wind. 

A local wind farm could bring much-needed money to Boone County schools, and new clean energy jobs. However, a few short-sighted members of the Boone County Board are fighting against a great opportunity to invest in the community.

Let's make sure that the County Board votes for the future by voting for wind and rejecting any zoning changes that would block this opportunity for smart economic growth and a strong, healthy community.

Make your voice heard. Contact your county board members today.

Sign the petition today!

*Required fields



Boone County deserves to be part of Illinois' clean energy future.

I urge you to respect landowner rights, and keep our county open to this opportunity for new jobs, revenue for our local schools, and smart and safe economic growth.
We urge the county board to vote "no" to new wind setbacks and to not further delay potential wind development.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]

Click on the following to complete the petition:  Boone County is ready - Illinois Chapter Sierra Club

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You want to push out Quarries, yet welcome industrial wind energy production into residential/ agricultural areas. I just don't understand you guys. Quarries don't run 24/7, industrial wind energy does. If one person can't sleep or has other problems that are related to wind turbines, isn't that enough to stop this? Or does the almighty $ that liberals like you pretend to not care about take center stage? Hypocrite!