Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Column: A call to service in Boone County(OHIO)


Forty boards in the county require 200 appointees to function effectively


Gary Moore, Judge-executive of Boone County (Photo: Provided)


As the Boone County judge-executive, one of the important responsibilities I have is to appoint citizens to serve on boards and commissions that assist the county and the region in policy formation, oversight and administration.

As you may or may not know there are more than 40 boards in Boone County that require over 200 appointees to function effectively. These opportunities exist to engage the public, utilize the vast resources and talents of our citizens and to ensure oversight of public entities. From fire protection districts to historic preservation to the Arboretum to planning and zoning (to name just a few) there are countless opportunities for citizens to be directly involved in important issues that impact us all.

Serving on a board or commission can be a rewarding experience for community service minded residents. It is an excellent way to participate in the functioning of local government and to make a personal contribution to the improvement of Boone County.

I challenge our citizens to consider serving because it is more than an opportunity to be engaged; it is also a critical responsibility that we have in a democracy to be active in decision-making bodies that make our government work. Boards and commissions make important judgments each and every day that have an enormous impact on the people and the future of Boone County. Without the participation of our citizens, we fail to serve our community.

I urge you to consider whether your talents and experience might bring value to a board or commission. The first step is to visit the county's website and learn about the many groups that utilize board members. The website address is If you believe that one of the groups would be a good fit for you, I welcome your application!

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. The appointment process stays active year-round with expiring terms turning over at various times throughout the year. Once candidates are identified as good matches for open positions and interviewed, I make my final recommendation to the Fiscal Court. This process is important to identify quality board members.

Service on a board is important for so many reasons. It helps familiarize you with your community, develops potential community leaders and it gives you the chance to have input about which community needs should be addressed and how they should be met.

I urge every Boone Countian to give serious consideration to serving as a board member. If you have questions or need more information, please contact our Government and Community Relations Coordinator, Matthew Webster, at I look forward to working with you to continue make Boone County a great place to live, work and raise a family.

Gary W. Moore is the judge-executive of Boone County.

Column: A call to service in Boone County

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