Sunday, December 29, 2013

Most Americans don't know incandescent light bulb phase-out


The government began phasing out 100- and 75-watt light bulbs in 2012 and 2013 respectively. The elimination of 60- and 40-watt bulbs will have a much greater impact on U.S. consumers because they are the two most popular bulbs on the market, according to the electronics industry research firm IMS Research.

Lights out?

With a major shift on the horizon, some Americans are doing their best to take stock of the situation. It's still perfectly legal to buy incandescent light bulbs as long as supplies last — companies just can't import or manufacture any new ones. Osram Sylvania's survey found that 30 percent of those who are aware of the phase-out are planning to stockpile the leftover light bulbs.

Read more about this issue:  Most Americans don't know incandescent light bulb phase-out

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