Saturday, July 20, 2013

Feds want Rockford to give back $205K in stimulus money - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star


Auditors determined that Rockford and the state didn't have "adequate levels of review" in place to make sure the money was properly spent. In addition to the missing receipts, auditors found that another $141,796 may have been spent on costs that were unallowable in the terms of the stimulus grant.

Auditors recommend that the state:

  • Return to the federal government unallowable costs totaling $205,296
  • Work with Rockford to determine what portion of the $141,796 is allowable and refund to the federal government any amount determined to be unallowable
  • Ensure that Rockford revises its policies and procedures regarding the adequate documentation of all costs charged under federal awards and the charging of costs during the award period
  • Ensure that Rockford revises its monitoring procedures to ensure that costs charged to federal awards, including subcontractor costs, are in compliance with applicable Federal requirements.

Click on the following for more details:  Feds want Rockford to give back $205K in stimulus money - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

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