Friday, March 19, 2010

Pope under fire for priest transfer, letter on sex abuse -

Good summary of the Pope’s connections to sex abuse cases across the world.  Will he do something or let the fire continue.

The revelations have put the spotlight on Benedict's handling of abuse claims both when he was archbishop of Munich from 1977-1982 and then the prefect of the Vatican office that deals with such crimes — a position he held until his 2005 election as pope.

We find it extraordinarily hard to believe that Ratzinger didn't reassign the predator, or know about the reassignment," said Barbara Blaine, president and founder of SNAP, Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.

Already, the scandal was inching closer to Benedict after allegations of abuse surfaced at the prestigious choir that was led by his brother, Georg Ratzinger, from 1964 until 1994.

Click on the following for more details:  Pope under fire for priest transfer, letter on sex abuse -

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